More Moving

On Saturday my husband and I worked on cleaning out the "blue room" in the basement.  It is currently our temporary holding place for boxes we've yet to take care of.  Eventually it will be a guest room.  It is a very small, strangely configured room, so we spent several minutes discussing options for its best use.  We finally decided that a hide-a-bed sofa would be wise.

On Monday morning we found an ad on our homeschool forum for a free hide-a-bed sofa.

Not wanting to ignore miracles staring us in the face, we went to work rearranging our day so that we could get the sofa and finish emptying our old house and yard of the odds and ends remaining there.

This means that though we just started school on Monday, on Tuesday we had a sort of break while the older 3 kids helped Daddy.

Sort of. 

Because we accomplished:
*preschool with H4, I2, and A6--they colored pictures of words that start with "n" like nurse, newt, nightingale, and nest
*independent school for the older 4--they just fit it in when they could
*bringing home the couch, picnic table, 6 potted blueberry bushes, the big ladders, more firewood, and other "stuff"
*morning devotional
*family scripture study and prayer
*outdoor play in the snow--the temperature skyrocketed 30 degrees to hover right at freezing.  The sun shone.  The sky was blue, blue, blue.  Perfect sledding weather!  I played, too.
*The older kids went to the church for Tuesday night activities.  Daddy took them, and they started out playing basketball, but were eventually adopted by the scouts to fill out their handball game.  Everyone came home tired, happy, and a little sore from a lot of exercise.
*The littles and I had a quiet evening at home with stories near the fire and going to bed on time.

It was a satisfying day.

Even if it wasn't a "proper school day."


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