School's Out!

We just finished the last chapter of our history book!  This accomplishment officially marks the end of our school year.  (Just to review--we took several months off last fall for the birth of our little I.8) I am a bundle of mixed emotions.

Relief.  The burden of organizing the kids through daily school is lifted.  I can breathe more easily.

Dread.  Temperatures still climb over 100 each day.  The idea of having housebound, unorganized children is enough to make me want to hide my head in the sand.

Anticipation.  Now I have time to research and plan for the semester ahead.  I love planning.

Hope.  I'm hopeful that my E12's requests for more independent work will bring a light and joy to her life that will fuel a true love of learning.

Satisfaction.  I love learning with my children, and knowing we're making progress makes my heart happy.

Here we go.  Into a break that includes Cousins' Camp and lots of empty days waiting to be filled.  How I pray that our break will refresh our bodies, minds, and spirits and prepare us for the year ahead.


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