Still Sick But Still Learning

I2 is better. 
H4 is almost better--in the sleeping-constantly-while-recuperating stage.
A6 is a mess.  Her fever is gone, but she's still coughing violently enough that she throws up (it is much like whooping cough but not enough like it to make me think that's what's going on--I remember all to vividly what that was like to miss it now), and she's been crying with ear pain for over 2 days now.  I treated the first ear with garlic-infused olive oil, and though it took many hours, she says that ear is better.  The other ear started hurting yesterday.  I've been treating it, and she has periods of time that are pain-free and make me think she's over it, but it keeps coming back.

We may have to find a doctor and have her treated conventionally.

I haven't done school with her or preschool with H4 in nearly a week.  They've just been too ill to work.

I have done school with the older kids quite faithfully, though.  Our practice of independent work in the morning and group activities in the afternoon is working.  They've asked for it to be switched, but I need the mornings to take care of the littles and life in general.  I'm ready for them in the afternoons, and they're ready for some direction (though they'll deny it to the day they die), and the extra activities are easier to cancel in favor of other activities that will bless us.  I like having a core that can get done no matter what happens.

The older girls and I have finished section one of the Landmark history book we're reading.  Before moving on we're going to make an oversized map of the 13 colonies and write mini reports about each one--creating an educational wall mural that we can refer to as we next read about the events of the Revolutionary War.

I hope it will be joyful.

We had a blast using this site to memorize the 13 colonies--that is everyone but E13.  She thought it was juvenile.  The rest of us laughed our heads off!  I had the girls illustrate the stories themselves as I read the story to them.  I figured the drawing/writing/listening/repeating would cover most learning modalities and really help them learn. 

I know I did.


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