Snow Day Indoors

I love being home!
I love being home!
I love being home!

The snow began just as forecasted and fell all day long.

Church activities were cancelled.
We had our groceries.
We had our craft supplies.
Daddy didn't have to work.

The world was silent, cocooned as the snow fell and fell and fell.

No one even asked to go anywhere or complained about being "stuck at home" the way they usually do.

We were content to be at home.

We were lazy getting up.
We did chores slowly.
We ate breakfast rather late.
We moved gently through our school day, accomplishing each item on our list with no thought to deadlines.
We ate homemade bread, fresh from the oven, slathered with melting butter and honey.
We cuddled our sick I2.
We fed the fire.
We read, read, read, read, read!

We went to bed early.

Now we are awake. 
The energy in this house is electric! 
The snow is thick! 
Play clothes await!
The sleds sit idle in the garage!
They must be put to good use!

Yesterday was a rest.
A pause.
A blessing.

I love being home.

For preschool we played 'Q' is for queen.  We made these little puppets with hand prints (minus the thumbs).  I do not know to whom to give credit for this delightful idea, because I found it over a year ago and failed to source it before sticking it in an actual paper file, but I am most sincerely thankful!

I2 made princes instead of queens because what can you do with only queens?

H4 with her queen and 2 princesses.  The queen is the one with the buns, and the princesses have their ages written on their crowns--17 and 19 "because the 19 year old is old enough to dye her hair." 

A6 was practicing the violin with M11 when I had the camera out, but here are her queen and 2 princesses as well.

A close up of the queen.  I love her buns . . . and lips!


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