Getting Ready for Valentine's Day

After our science club meeting yesterday morning (which the littles did not attend because they needed a slow, quiet morning in the face of a busy afternoon) we went to a local craft store and bought a bunch of stuff.  Then we came home and spent over 3 hours making valentines for one another.

No need for "formal" school on an afternoon like this.  A6 is working hard writing her messages of love.

E13 said at the start that she was just going to make the same valentine for everyone, but slowly the spirit of the occasion seeped in to her heart and she spent a long time creating individual valentines for each person.

Rats!  He looked away.  He'd been smiling a split second earlier.

Though I signed his name for him, I2 took his writing very seriously.

M11 and S11 particularly liked sewing beads onto their cards.

I2 got tired and needed some animal crackers to keep him going.  

I love H4's thoughtful contemplation in this picture.

S11 was creating a pop-up card.  She looked up at the last second--I got a lot of, "Don't look, Mom!" exclamations at various times.  Though we create them all in the same room, we still try to have an element of surprise.
The valentines are done and stashed away in paper sacks to await Valentine's Day.


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