The Pears are Ripe

I bought a 38 lb box of pears through Bountiful Baskets. They arrived on Saturday completely hard and green.  We put the box in the basement so they'd stay cool (and out of the way) as they ripened.

Which they did . . . today.

All 38 lbs.

The older girls settled into school, while the little girls and I washed and cut and peeled pears.

Then the little girls got bored and made paper airplanes.

Then the paper airplanes didn't cooperate, so E13 helped them.

Sometimes I want to strangle that girl, and sometimes she is so patient and kind and wonderful I can hardly believe it.

Today she was that wonderful girl.

I made pear cobbler for breakfast with about 3 lbs. 
I made pear crisp for lunch with about 5 lbs.
I peeled and quartered about 40 pears for dehydrating--nearly 20 lbs?
I peeled and chopped another 5 or 6 lbs for spiced pear jam.
I think I have 5 or 6 lbs to go.

I'll probably make another batch of jam.

It would be a good day . . . except that I think I am losing this pregnancy.

The doctor sent me in for hCG levels.  I go back on Monday to make a comparison.

It could all be over by then.

Or not.

I don't know.

It's a good thing I have a lot to keep me busy this weekend.

I am not a happy camper right now.


  1. I am so sorry. The pears sound wonderful. I will keep you in my prayers.


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