A Week, Briefly (7/9/18)

We are fully in the rhythm of summer.

Outdoor play, water play, and quiet indoor play rule the days for the younger set.

And chores, too.

Outings, outings, outings . . . and math . . . rule the days for the teens.

(Rose Red did not have a good week.)

The teens and I finished Great Expectations, and we had a grand book club meeting in which it was voted the favorite book of the group as a whole.  Kids expressed strong feelings about healthy vs. unhealthy relationships and what it means to be a decent human being.  After watching a 2012 BBC production of the book (they did not accurately portray Estella--she was far too romantic!), we all hit the pool.

Gotta love a summer book club meeting!

The young ones got to stay home with Dad, and he made popcorn, played in the water (crazy water fight!), and allowed them to put him on time out for squealing too much. 

The teens got to go tubing on a lake for a church youth event.  It was a first for my girls, and they loved it!

I took the young ones to another lake on Thursday, after dropping off a meal that Belle and I prepared for a dear friend whose mother recently died.

Belle dug out sweet potatoes on the farm.

Nature Angel had an eye exam.

Ladybug went to therapy and had a horrid week full of negative behaviors.

I finished Ladybug's doll.  It was hard to give it to her this week, but I did.

Sir Walter Scott did a ton of school and worked as much overtime as he could.  He also made the decision to take the fall semester off and simply work really, really hard to get us out of the financial hole we got into through our trip to CA, the building of a chicken mansion, and the thousand and one home and car repairs that are needed.

We both feel a sense of relief at having made this decision.

Pixie and I are exploring the possibility of dropping her College Algebra class in favor of taking the CLEP exam for the same subject.  If she does that, she'll probably take Communications 110 (public speaking) instead.

We'll see.


  1. I am glad your husband and you are finding a way through this maze of trials. I am sorry that Ladybug and Rose Red had extra hard weeks. I suppose it is to expected with new therapy for Ladybug. I pray that the coming week is less challenging. I love the doll and know it was hard to give this week. Parenting these special children is so different from how we would treat "normal" kids.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. Glad you managed to give Ladybug her doll this week even though it was hard. I found my kids generally needed me to show my love more the more unlovable their behaviour was. And I'm pretty sure you wrote once that Ladybug liked to give gifts. So she probably likes receiving them and this will have meant a lot - even if her behaviour doesn't show you that. Yay for being in a good summer rhythm.

  3. The doll is so cute! I’m sorry she and Rose Red had hard weeks. Your lake pictures make me want to go to the lake! We have had so many unexpected repairs this spring and summer van, truck, lawn mower, tractor. Seems like something is always broken.

    One of the things that causes my Emmie to have major meltdowns is when I clean. Not basic cleaning but cleaning out of things. I am trying to get the school things cleaned up and organized and the girls room. She wants to keep every scrap of paper and broken toy. I did not handle her well at all and really really yelled at her one day. Of course it didn’t help made things much worse..There’s still more to be done this week. Trying to mentally prepare myself.


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