A Week, Briefly (7/23/18)

We had a lot of adventures this week.

And a lot of challenges.

I'm tired.

Pixie caught us Sunday afternoon while we were "watching" a family movie.

We all are.

But then my sweet friend posted her thoughts about 1 Chronicles 28:9-10, and verse 10 really caught my attention:

So I won't give up.

(But I'm still tired.)

The adventures were fun!

1.  Super Star's Sweet 16 was a fabulous success!!!!!

2.  I took the Elementary 8 (+ our babysittee) to our church visitor's center in Independence, MO.

3.  I took the Elementary 8 to a new (to us) nature center and for a hike in the mild rain . . . Beowulf and Baymax were so, so, so worried the rain was going to turn into a storm.  They stuck close to me and begged for reassurance the whole time we were out walking.

That's a raccoon who allowed us to watch him fish for a long time!

4.  We met up with friends to play at the splash park on both Wednesday and Friday.

5.  We found out that Mister Man needs glasses very, very badly!  (I guess that's not the fun part.)  He's only using one eye for 80+% of the work he's doing, and as he's reading upwards of 3 chapter books a day, that eye is working hard.  His glasses will help his brain to work with both eyes, and the doctor is quite confident that if he's compliant about wearing the glasses, the problem is completely fixable.  He chose glasses that are not quite perfect copies of Harry Potter's glasses.  Oh my goodness, he's going to be so cute!  (That's the fun part.)

6.  Nature Angel made a Squirt and Nemo sculpture for Super Star's birthday present.

7.  The Elementary 8 and I had a picnic dinner at another splash park.  We stayed until past bedtime.  And Baymax climbed higher than he's ever climbed before.  He was so proud of himself!  He spent most of the evening on the climbing ropes--actually most of the kids did because the weather got very mild this week.

8.  We made friends with a praying mantis who spent some time on our front storm door.  He was at least 5 inches long--probably closer to 6.

9.  Sometimes we just stayed home.

10.  The teens spent half a day with friends at the local water and amusement park.

11.  And the teens said goodbye to a beloved friend of well over a decade who is off to to Costa Rica for 3 weeks for a Spanish intensive and then off to college.

(I examined Pixie's phone, but there are no pictures of either adventure that I can find!)

In addition to adventures, there were accomplishments:

1.  Super Star finished her math book!!

2.  Belle finished her math book, too!!  (But she didn't let me get a picture of her.

3.  I spend forever on the phone and in the doctor's office trying to arrange some intakes and assessments for Ladybug's various needs.  We've not actually got the ball rolling, but I think it might be rocking slightly under pressure and ready to roll soon.

4.  We finalized plans for Pixie's school year . . . except for science.  Her awesomely awesome news is that the head of her dance school offered her free tuition in exchange for Pixie working at the front desk one night a week.  That's 6+ hours of dance each week for $0!!!!!

Today is Saturday, and we have a church service project at a local elementary school.

Then homeschool summer co-op runs for 4 days next week!!!!


  1. Wow! Zero dance tuition is FANTASTIC. You all did so much this week. I am tired just reading about all of your adventures. You catch some great pictures of your kids.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. So many adventures this week. One of my son's got glasses when he was six or seven and got told he looked like Harry Potter all the time. He's 20 now and has just decided to give contact lenses a try. I can't get over how different he looks without glasses now. Hope the rocking turns into rolling for Ladybug this week.

  3. The playground near my parents has the same climbing contraption. We love it. I love the pic of the little boy playing on the towel. He’s enjoying himself.

  4. A busy week. Summer fun is fantastic. Being tired is no fun. I’m praying for you.

  5. I would be tired, too! You sure are an amazing mama. Your kids are always doing fun activities. Thanks for visiting my blog.

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