2017-18 Symposium in Review

Last August I optimistically reported the following:

"Symposium will happen 3 times each week and will loop through:  
Mystery of History III
English on a Roll
The Easy Spanish
Music and Art Appreciation--using various library and internet resources as they strike our fancy
Geography--map studies Charlotte Mason style
Geography Through Art (we'll focus on Asia)  
A Case of Red Herrings A1

All 4 teen girls will participate in Symposium."

And now . . . the reality.

All 4 teen girls began, but only 3 teens finished:  Pixie, Super Star, and Belle.

For Pixie and Super Star, the work we did in Symposium counts for high school credit.

Chronologically, Pixie completed her 10th grade year, but by sheer credits, she made it through 10th grade and most of the way through 11th.

Super Star completed her 9th grade year.

Belle completed 8th grade, and though the work could count as high school, and I could go back and retroactively count it as such if opportunities for advancement arise that we don't see now, at this time it is just plain old 8th grade work for her.

Credits earned:

1--World History via Mystery of History III and various documentaries (I totally failed to record them!)


1-- Spanish I via The Easy Spanish, songs and worksheets from Rockalingua and education.com, Whistlefritz (yes, the videos are geared to the preschool set, but Spanish is Spanish, and we learned!), and various YouTube videos.

1--Literature and Composition via Movies as Literature (half completed), classic book studies with our book club, read alouds/discussions at home, and critical thinking with A Case of Red Herrings Book A1.

We never got to music or art appreciation or geography, and English on a Roll was a total bust.

But 3 full credits of high school work!

I'm pleased.


  1. Excellent! I am considering something similar to your symposium next year. I am glad you said it was only three times a week, because I doubt we could do more than that.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. The 3 days a week of the first semester turned in to 4-5 through the second semester, or we would not have finished. :) And the literature reads took place during Symposium, in the evenings, and during marathons the day before our book club meetings!

  2. Yay! Awesome accomplishments!


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