A Week, Briefly (6/25/18)

Ladybug's assessment took more mental and emotional energy than I know how to describe, and Pixie had most of this week's pictures in her phone; getting our paths to cross long enough to retrieve those pics took until now.

And we changed up some of our chore assignments.  Changes always charge everyone with excitement, and it was a happy chore week.

(I wish I could change them often, but then change would become the norm, and we'd lose the excitement and be lost in a sea of confusion.) 

A usual sort of day for us--church followed by dinner and Family Night.

Mister Man led our activity:  He performed an adaptation of The Three Little Pigs called The Three Little Cats.  The wolf villain was replaced by a cheetah.

The action was exciting; Mister Man is a great narrator; We had a great time, and then we had a treat.

The huge, long, powerful, relieving intake meeting for Ladybug took place.  This means that Super Star and Belle watched young ones at home because Pixie was off at a water park with her favorite friend because this favorite friend is headed off for a year-long study abroad in Australia. 

Because of early morning rain, the place was deserted!

After playing all day, Pixie headed off to work at the dance studio--I don't think I recorded that the studio owner offered Pixie free dance lessons for the summer in exchange for her working 1 night a week at the front desk.  A rather spectacular deal for Pixie!

The teens and I continued working on Great Expectations, and the littles followed their usual routine of morning outdoor play, a language video, quiet indoor play, then water play until dinner/bedtime.

The day of The Storm.

'Nuff said.

Except this is what Belle looked like when she got home from the farm:

They were harvesting garlic when the storm hit.  They took the garlic to the shelter and spent the duration of the storm braiding and hanging it for drying.

The teens and I read, and they did math.

The elementary 8 and I went to the library for an educational program about musical instruments from around the world.

Little Princess was selected to be one of the winds of South American legend and play the drum.  Other instruments came from Africa, Asia, and Australia.  It was a really cool presentation--lots of stories, dancing, and music.
We enjoyed some outdoor and quiet indoor play.

Baby 5-lined skinks are running amok through our yard!

And our wooden rainbow has recently come out of retirement to a place of popular attention.
In the afternoon, I was trying to sort books while Lola and Baymax tried to unsort them.  Pixie took pity on me and took them on a date with her. :)

 She took them to look at fish and mice at the pet store, got them frozen yogurt, and took them to the park.  When I finished sorting, I tried to text her that we'd meet her at the spray park, but she didn't get the text!  Fortunately, as she was coming out, we were going in, and all was well. 

(And she was able to take Ladybug home because Ladybug had been unbuckling herself from her booster seat and standing up in the van as I drove, and I felt it prudent to make the point that such behavior will not be tolerated.)

Temperatures climbed into the triple digits as we headed out on a field trip to a mini-farm belonging to the parents of our cousin-in-law. :)

The miniature horses and donkey and the regular goats were reasonably interesting, but the kids had the most fun with the cats and dogs inside.

Go figure!

The teens took off early in the morning for Youth Conference

The elementary 8 and I headed off to the spray park to meet up with other friends from church.  It was a simple, happy morning, filled with lots of watermelon.

I'm pretty sure we went to bed early.

The weekend
The elementary 8 and I had a full day of errand-running and babysitting.

The teens came home late Saturday night--alight with the fun and energy of the weekend

But we got the news that Super Star's musical was cancelled due to scheduling conflicts with the hosting church unit.  :(

John Bytheway came to town, and more than 1600 youth had the opportunity to hear him speak, including my 3 teens.  They said it was FANTASTIC!  Sitting up late with cake and strawberries to hear the teens share their thoughts brought an end to the weekend.

(And as I finish this post, we're already 2 days into the new week.)


  1. I love the rainbow blocks. Our Goldilocks did the same thing in the car. I love that you were able to remove her from the event. We hired her respite care provider to follow our car and remove her when she removed her seatbelts. She was returned hours later after the happy event was over. It took about six times, but she did stop that behavior. One thing I wish I had done from an FASD point of view is give her a laminated picture of a happy child sitting seatbelted in the car for each ride. It may have helped with impulsiveness. It is hard to tease out the RAD behavior vs. The FASD issues. You may want to check out ParentingFASDkids on Facebook. The group has great advice.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. Wow, Belle--what a dedicated farmer! Love the idea of a date with the littles! And I'm jealous about John Bytheway (and the cake and strawberries)! Thanks for sharing!


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