2017-18 End of Year Assessment: Nature Angel

Nature Angel completed Fifth Grade this year.

She completed a lot of interesting work this year:

*Hey, Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek, Level 2
*Saxon Math 6/5
*Weave Your Word in Me, Part 1
*Junior Analytical Grammar
*Rod and Staff Penmanship 5
*Rod and Staff Spelling 5
*The Book of Mormon (all the way through at least once)
*Exploring Planet Earth by John Tiner
*Endangered Animals (a Ranger Rick book)
*Exploring the World of Chemistry by John Tiner

There are no literature studies listed above, but she is a great reader!

And she started on Oak Meadow Grade 6 History and Language Arts because she had all of the above finished by April.  She'll pick up the Oak Meadow materials--which include math and science--in the upcoming school year.

All of her work is done conscientiously and thoroughly. 

She participated fully in Morning Meeting, Academy, and Family Read-Alouds.   Her verbal, drawn, and written narrations are always interesting and insightful.

Other interesting things Nature Angel did this year include entering the Doodle for Google contest, taking an art class at homeschool co-op, dancing with our dance group, designing and making collages, building doll houses, helping Dad build the chicken coop, leading her final year of at-home camp for our little boys, and learning about and caring for Pepper, her rabbit.

She's a creator.

She can't help it.

She sews, sculpts, draws, crochets, builds, paints, designs, and teaches.

This year has been a pivotal year for her as she's growing away from childhood.  She can still play imaginatively with the best of them, but more and more she's choosing reading, journaling, or art projects for her free time.

The home made doll clothes help her bridge the worlds of childhood and adolescence.

Her usual placid, gentle temperament has given way to the roller-coaster emotions that come with  early adolescence.  It's been hard on her, and I've tried to explain what's happening and help her find ways to cope.

She made homemade jewelry for her teen sisters for Christmas.  Truly lovely jewelry mounted on homemade cards.  She loves them and they love her, and they're helping lead Nature Angel into young-womanhood.
She is a child of great faith--turning to and finding the Lord in all things.

She loves the world all around her.  She's usually the first to find an interesting leaf, feather, or live creature to study and love.  She's so happy to share her finds with the rest of us.

Nature Angel is a natural teacher.

Recently, we've found that she is developing a rather lovely singing voice, and she sings in the church choir regularly.

It is a pleasure and privilege to be her mother/teacher.


  1. What a wonderful update. She is a wonderful girl.


  2. What a little sweetheart! I love the doll clothes and the homemade jewelry.

  3. Can't wait to be able to spend some time with her! :)

  4. What a sweetheart. I'm loving these snapshots of each child. You encapsulate them so well in so few words!


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