2017-18 End of Year Assessment: Rose Red

Rose Red turned 18 this year, and she opted to exercise control over her own life by refusing to finish school.

She started the year 3 credits shy of being eligible for graduation.  (3 credits shy of our state minimum for public school graduation)

She earned 1 credit in the first semester.

A cobbled-together credit comprised of simply meeting the minimum standard of 130 hours of academic work.  It covered literature, history, some Spanish, a bit of math, some P.E. and some expository writing.

Between January and now (mid-July), she's worked on her education for 116.5 hours.  Those hours include some literature, a great deal of history (an entire OYC lecture set about ancient Greece), and some P.E.

I'm just going to hold on to those 116.5, allowing her to add to them until they equal 130. 

When she finishes her remaining 130 hours, I'll issue her a diploma.

I'd like to say I'm being cool and calm about it all--and outwardly I am--but inside I want so badly for my girl to simply choose what will open doors for her.


  1. It's so hard letting our kids assume control of their lives when they don't seem to be making good decisions. At least the door is still open and hopefully Rose Red will come across something or someone that inspires her to see the value in finishing school. From what I've read of her here it seems like once she has the motivation she could do so fairly quickly and easily. Stay strong - I find parenting teens and young adults much harder than parenting toddlers, mentally if not physically.

  2. Hold steady. I hope she will come around soon. My dear son will turn 18 before being done with high school. I hope he doesn't pull this fast one. Launching kids into adulthood is so hard. Your patience is inspiring.
    Blessings, Dawn

  3. Oh wow, Rose Red is very beautiful. She reminds me of myself. Except, how does she get such perfect eyebrows? I struggle so bad w/ eyebrows. There is a lot she can do with her life. Rose 🌹 Red, if you are reading this, then take what you are passionate about and run with it. What are the remaining subjects needed for these hours?

  4. If Ancient Greece still counts, I can help with that. I’m mostly Greek, and have done a lot of studying of Greek history including the christianization of Greece.

  5. It's hard. One of mine opted not to finish high school. He eventually got his GED.


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