A Week, Briefly (7/23/18)

We had a lot of adventures this week. And a lot of challenges. I'm tired. Pixie caught us Sunday afternoon while we were "watching" a family movie. We all are. But then my sweet friend posted her thoughts about 1 Chronicles 28:9-10, and verse 10 really caught my attention: So I won't give up. (But I'm still tired.) The adventures were fun! 1. Super Star's Sweet 16 was a fabulous success!!!!! 2. I took the Elementary 8 (+ our babysittee) to our church visitor's center in Independence, MO. 3. I took the Elementary 8 to a new (to us) nature center and for a hike in the mild rain . . . Beowulf and Baymax were so, so, so worried the rain was going to turn into a storm . They stuck close to me and begged for reassurance the whole time we were out walking. That's a raccoon who allowed us to watch him fish for a long time! 4. We met up with friends to p...