Happiest Kindergartener Ever!

We did it!

We dumped preschool at letter "V" and started kindergarten yesterday.

The box from Sonlight came on Friday evening.  I found it on our front porch while the littles were in the bath.  I carried the box into the bathroom and held it triumphantly in the air.  "It's here!"  I shouted. 

H4 nearly leapt out of the bathtub with joy.

On Saturday I found a big binder, some plastic sheet protectors (for holding drawings and art projects), and found our copy of Language and Thinking for Young Children (long ago cut and drilled for storing in a kindergarten binder).  I assembled the whole thing and showed it to H4. 

She danced a happy dance.

On Monday morning she was dressed, bed made, and teeth brushed almost before she was awake.  At the breakfast table she sat primly, with a cat-who-ate-the-canary smile on her face and raised her hand.  "Yes?  Did you have something to say?" I asked.

"I'm starting kindergarten today," she announced.

The whole family cheered.

She beamed.

She followed me around all morning until it was time to start.  When we did, she raced through 2 days' worth of of work with a zest and glee that was pure joy.  Then she fussed when I said it was time to stop. 

All day she told us, "I started kindergarten today.  I started kindergarten today."

Right now I have to go.  She's asking for help to get dressed so that we can have kindergarten again!


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