Morning Meeting 2019-2020

Having Morning Meeting here is like breathing--we just do it every day.

The outline is as follows:

*Weekly Theme from the Come, Follow Me manual--Mom recites
*Primary Scripture of the Month--everyone recites (at least by the end of the month)
*Article of Faith--everyone sings one per month except January when we sing both #1 and #2

*Family Scripture Book of Mormon reading:  We used 3 different readers to go through the stories several times.
     1.  Illustrated Book of Mormon Stories
     2.  Book of Mormon Stories
     3.  The Book of Mormon Family Reader

*Mom's Choice Scripture Study:
     Fall Semester: 
          1.  The Bible for Children--the New Testament
          2.  The Jesus Storybook Bible
     Spring Semester
          1.  Stories from the Doctrine and Covenants
          2. The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ:  A Bicentennial Proclamation  to the World
*Come Follow Me (church curriculum)
     Fall Semester:  New Testament
     Spring Semester:  Book of Mormon

*Scripture of the Week--everyone recites three times
*Hymn or Primary Song of the Week--everyone sings
*Announcements and/or filling our gratitude jar

It looks long, but it only takes anywhere from 20-45 minutes to go through.  I try to keep it engaging with videos, discussions, questions, games, posters, and activities that we can do at the table during breakfast.

I split the prep work between Sunday afternoons and early Monday mornings--by the time we sit down to eat on Mondays, the new scriptures and songs are taped to the walls, and the lessons are organized.

We just finished studying the restoration proclamation this very week.  Our next study under the Mom's Choice section will be the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith.  It will begin Monday morning, and I'll bet it will last for the entire summer and school year ahead.


  1. You get so much accomplished each and every day. You truly are a wonder.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. I'm going to share this with Chad--I figure we should start doing this! :)


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