Assessment 2019-2020: Belle

This was Belle's 10th grade year.

Belle with a puppy, not Theo

Or second year of high school.

She was so busy helping me with emergencies, that many of our plans for her were derailed.  She's one who struggles with time management, and she never really recovered good study habits once they were disrupted.

That said, she still finished a full year of high school credit and some extra-curriculars!

She continued volunteering at the farm 3 hours each week.

She worked 1 shift each week at the amusement park until the end of October. 

She attended seminary every morning until COVID-19 shut down the in-person program, and then she completed the home-study/Zoom meeting program that finished out the year.  Seminary covered the New Testament during Fall Semester and The Book of Mormon Spring Semester.

She participated patiently in Morning Meetings.  Sometimes she actually led our meetings because I was busy with Brother or Ladybug or Beowulf.

She danced and sang with American Rhythm.

PE for Belle consisted of long walks with her Beagle, Theo.

Belle is a talented reader and writer.  She has a prodigious memory.  Her school work, though slow in completion, is always top-notch. 

Belle with her friend N-- at a dance

It felt like an unproductive, frustrating year, but when she finally finished (in July!) what she started, she earned the following credits:

0.5--Classic Literature--reading and participating in our classics book club (The Book Thief, The Old Man and the Sea, The Outsiders)
1.0--Latin III--Memoria Press Third Form Latin
1.0--English 10--The Good and the Beautiful High School Language Arts 2 (Symposium)
1.0--Ancient Literature and Cultures--Omnibus I readings, discussion, and writing (Symposium)
1.0--Algebra 2 with Trigonometry--Saxon
1.0--Health and Nutrition--Apologia
0.5--World Geography--The Good and the Beautiful High School Language Arts 1 & 2 (Symposium)
0.5--Religious Studies II--(Morning Meeting content)
0.5--Art:  Drawing with Charcoal and Pencils--The Good and the Beautiful High School Language Arts 2 (Symposium)
8.5 credits

At the rate she's going, Belle will be eligible to graduate a year early--just like her older sisters. 

We'll see how her time management skills grow in the year to come before making any decisions of that magnitude.  Belle wants to attend a competitive 4-year university, and I want to be sure she's truly prepared to move away and do the work without Mom checking on her constantly.

We also need to be sure the university will like her test scores and what's on her transcript. :)


  1. Wonderful, wonderful! Great job, Belle.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. She's the same grade as my Jack. It's hard to believe we only have 2 years left to pour into them before they're "grown ups."


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