A Week, Briefly (7/20/20)

A quiet week.

I wrote the rest of our end-of-year homeschool assessments.

Kids played.

On Wednesday we had breakfast at the park, and I taught the kids how to play Red Rover.

We went to the park 3 times.

Later that same day, we headed to the spray park to meet friends for a picnic dinner and play time.

Sir Walter Scott laid and covered the last of the pipe for our septic system.  It is finished enough to call the city inspector.  However, there are a few tweaks left for us to truly call the project done.

He and the kids (but mostly he) dug well over 200 feet of 4 foot deep trenches in clay-heavy soil, moved 21 tons of gravel, laid well over 200 feet of pipe, then replaced all of the dirt.

By hand.

It has been no small project.

I include it in my homeschool report, because the kids did help!  Brother was Sir Walter Scott's especial partner through all of this, and I must give partial credit to his well-being to this "heavy work" therapy.

We have many more projects waiting for attention, and I hope to feed Brother's mind and body with more "heavy work" in the months and years to come.

Nature Angel had many hours of babysitting, and when she totaled up her cash intake, she turned around and donated it to Pamoja Leo, a charity at which some of our friends have volunteered.

The most exciting part of our week was when a friend brought over her caterpillars for us to watch while she is out of town.  They are both Giant Swallowtails and Black Swallowtails.  Half of them are already in chrysalis, and the other half are eating for their lives in order to get to that state in the next day or so.

 Baymax and Lola have played caterpillar-chrysalis-butterfly ever since she came over.

This morning we woke up to the first butterfly--a Black Swallowtail.

We watched it pump its wings, and when it began fluttering a bit in the cage, we took it outside to our echinacea flower to get some full sun and finish getting ready to fly free.

It was a miraculous morning.

I am in full homeschool-preparation mode right now--printing, cutting, gluing, organizing, cleaning, reading, binding, listing, studying, studying, studying.


  1. Sir Walter Scott's accomplishments are AMAZING!! And the swallowtail is absolutely gorgeous. What a great and marvelous thing arising from a small and simple thing... (we just read Alma 37)!-- same with the sewer system project; just one shovelful at a time. Truly amazing.


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