Assessment 2019-20: Little Princess

Little Princess is a social learner, so independent learning is very boring for her.

She's capable.

She just doesn't like it.

Colloquium, Morning Meeting, Elementary Read Alouds, American Rhythm, church activities, and our 52 Hikes are the times that she shines.

She participated in all of them with enthusiasm and insight this year.

She aches for more social events to open up.

Her individual studies included:

Language Arts:  The Good and the Beautiful Level 5--completed with solid success.  The spelling errors that plague her writing seem to be due to haste rather than not knowing how to spell.  She does tend to run-on sentences, but I think that will resolve itself with time and experience.  She loves grammar, especially diagramming sentences!

This program included several drawing and watercolor art lessons.

It also included geography.

Handwriting:  The Good and the Beautiful Level 5--completed, but her handwriting still needs work.  Again, she prefers speed over accuracy.

Math:  Saxon Math 6/5--completed with solid success.  She's good at math.

Chinese History:  This was a homemade course tuned to Little Princess' personal interest.  We compiled several books that I failed to keep track of.  They included DK Eyewitness Books:  Ancient China, some books from the library, and some historical fiction set in ancient China.  She kept a notebook with narrations and drawings about her readings.

Chinese:  Duolingo, Tuttle Chinese Flashcards for Kids:  Simplified Mandarin, and a Book of Mormon in Simplified Mandarin comprised her foreign language study this year.  She's learning a little bit at a time, and she's sure dedicated!  She also did a free unit by Yoyo Chinese, too.

Personal Devotional:  The Book of Mormon--completed

She's an avid reader.  This year she discovered the delights of  L. M. Montgomery, and she read every book we own several times over (not an insignificant number).  We both borrowed from the library and purchased more of them to keep her reading appetite satisfied.

She's also a budding photographer and photo editor.  I believe she's got a bit of raw talent, and I hope she'll keep developing it.

She loves beauty and motion.

She learned about scrapbooking at a church activity, and whenever she can get me to print pictures for her, she happily works on her sweet memory book.

She plays the ukelele for us here and there.

If we ask very sweetly and persistently.

Little Princess takes care of our chickens, loves to help in the kitchen, babysits, and is a really helpful man-of-all-work around our house.

 During Brother's severe crises, she often was the one who fixed meals when the teens and I were frantically dealing with finding and/or keeping Brother safe.  She keeps a good head on her shoulders in emergencies, so she just steps up and does what needs to be done in spite of her youth.

The other day I said to Super Star and Belle, who were taking Little Princess on an outing with them, "She's only 10.  She's not a teenager who can keep up with you.  She's still a little girl, so please watch her and respect her childhood."

"She's only 10?!?!  I forgot!" they both said.

It's true.  She's very mature, and it is easy to forget that she's still so young.

While I can't honestly say it was a fun 5th grade year for her; it was an educational and stimulating 5th grade year.  She grew in leaps and bounds.

(And I'm glad to see her still play with her Calico Critters and playhouse sometimes.)


  1. What a lovely young lady. It is amazing to realize she is only 10.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. :) What a sweetie! I wish you were local so I could loan her all our China books and Chinese learning materials.

    There's a huge difference between a 10 year old with a bunch of younger siblings, and a 10 year old who's the baby of the family. My Katie will be 10 soon, and is nowhere near ready to jump in and tackle meals on her own. I should have had her help me with those English muffin pizzas!

  3. I would sure love a print of the beautiful purple tulip to frame and hang in our house... Just sayin'. :)


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