It's Only Noon?

I cannot say how thankful I am that my only real goal was to practice our new school year schedule rather than diving right in to everything!

I am exhausted.

Our main goal is to sell our house, therefore we have lots of cleaning times scheduled throughout the day--daily chores, breakfast clean up, lunch clean up, afternoon tidy up, dinner clean up, and extras.

H3 gets her preschool back.  We went through her past projects and put them into a binder.  We discovered that we never made our mini letter "D" book and that "J" and "K" are missing from the box.  Tonight's assignment is for me to reprint those files.

A6 is doing her copywork from Sonlight grade 1 Language Arts.  That's her only formal school.  Everything else is icing on the cake as far as I'm concerned.  She's a good reader, and the spelling and writing practice are just fun for her.

J9 completely melted down this morning.  It's been 2 hours, and she has finally come out of her room.  She's even spoken politely.  She is such an easygoing, delightful kid 99% of the time; when she puts her foot down, it is simply shocking!  She was assigned to choose a book for her "school" reading.  She wanted some fluffy books that I said made fun free time reading but were not acceptable for stretching her mind and trying something new.  I pulled 20 possibilities from the shelf, but she said she wouldn't read even one of them.  I told her to put one book in an "Unacceptable" pile and one in a "Not Too Horrible" pile and then repeat.

It was excruciating, but she finally chose The Borrowers by Mary Norton.

S11 chose In Grandma's Attic by Arleta Richardson.

M 11 chose The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis.

I chose for E13--Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes.

We decided that we'd continue with Spelling Wisdom from the Simply Charlotte Mason series.  J9, S11, and M11 will continue where they left off with the Life of Fred elementary series.  E13 simply needs to memorize her math facts so that she can jump to the mathematics that she's cognitively ready for.  She says she wants to work her way through the Math-U-See Delta and Gamma books, but those cost money, and I'd rather see her make flash cards and do computer drills until the facts are memorized.

Her personal drive to do the Math-U-See books will probably win out over my frugal desires.

We're really and truly going to finish our study of the Old Testament this year, too!

And we're reading aloud together at night again--first book of the school year?  Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfield.

That's where we're starting.

It's not much, but it is everything at the same time.

Chocolate bread is in the oven . . . we're ready to feed our bodies after working our minds this morning.

  This afternoon will be pretty open . . . put the little fellow down for a nap, help M11 mail a baby blanket to her new cousin, read some stories to the little girls, tidy up . . . hmm, not so open after all.


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