The Plan--2014/15--J10

Devotional/Character Training

Continue to read and journal The Book of Mormon

Participate in Family Devotionals (including memorizing Romans 12)--we've settled on following Armor Your Children along with singing a primary song to go with each topic and reviewing 1 Article of Faith song each day (just so we don't forget).

World--Read 1 “You Wouldn’t Want To . . .” book per week. 
Journal what you’ve learned.
American--Continue to participate in family readings from A Landmark history
Read and journal 1 biography per month.


Choose 1 country/region/state per month. 

Read a library book about it. 

Draw a map.

Create a project or write a report about chosen country. 


Choose 1 science topic to study each month. 

Read and journal 1 library book about the topic each week.

Work with Mom to do 1 experiment/project about the subject each month.

Literature Wish List:

Shakespeare stories--Leon Garfield

Black Beauty—Anna Sewell

Incredible Journey—Sheila Burnford

The Wheel on the School by Meindert De Jong

National Velvet by Enid Bagnold

Matilda—Roald Dahl

The Phantom Tollbooth—Norton Juster

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe—CS Lewis

Heidi—Johanna Spyri

The Secret Garden—Frances Hodgson Burnett

The Door in the Wall by Marguerite D’Angeli

The Four Story Mistake by Elizabeth Enright

Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink
From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsberg

Language Arts  
Spelling--Spelling Workout D
Handwriting—Rod and Staff grades 3 and 4 cursive review
English Grammar--Oraland Written English by Potter, Jeschke, and Gillet
Writing—J10 will be keeping a creative writing journal.  She will have a jar of "prompts" that we've collected from a variety of free sources all over the internet.  She will be free to write whatever is on her mind or to pull a prompt from the jar.

Saxon math 5/4
J10 is refusing to go on with Life of Fred.  She states that she just wants to "learn stuff" instead of having to figure out how to do the problems before doing them.  I am sorry that she feels this way because she is terribly bright and is quite good at problem solving.  In addition I like the problem solving skills encouraged by Life of Fred.  I wish I could encourage her to go on, but I am unwilling to engage in a battle.  I've sold many of our Life of Fred books, but some are staying on our shelf in hopes that they will be opened and explored.  Our Saxon book is an older edition that we got in a box of freebies from a friend.

Sing and dance with American Rhythm


In General
What Your 5th Grader Needs to Know--read a bit each day.  Have fun with it.

In addition to the above J10 will continue to attend church on Sundays, participate in weekly church activities, and go on whatever field trips we can afford with our homeschool association.


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