A Week, Briefly (6-21-21)

 The heat wave broke.
Lola responded to the 66 degree morning temperatures by dressing like this:

 (Please don't judge us for our broken swing--our kids are hard on stuff, and I have good intentions about repairing it!)

While the west is suffering from a drought, we've had so. much. rain.

 A lot of tents/forts have been built this week.

Mister Man finished Grammar Recitation for the year.  His only subject left is arithmetic.

Nature Angel took pictures of kids playing with water one afternoon. 

And she finished her Koine Greek curriculum!  She continues to work on modern Greek via Duolingo, and she faithfully studies the scriptures each day, but she's done with 8th grade!!!!

Life has been beyond hard with Beowulf and Brother.  Both boys had slight med adjustments this week which has made them a little bit sleepy.  This side effect will wear off in a couple more days, and then we'll know if the adjustments are working.

We read some great books this week.  I highly recommend 14 Cows for America.  Most of us cried through it as soon as we caught on to what was going to happen.  

And why, why is this the first I'm hearing of an event so beautiful??  I am constantly surprised my own ignorance . . . you'd think I'd be used to it by now.

I cleaned out a closet--resulting in 3 big bags of stuff to donate.

I'm finished with antibiotics and pain-killers to deal with my tooth extraction.  

I'm trying to get my young crew back into play therapy (and maybe some EMDR) because we're having a major resurgence of trauma behaviors--the likes of which are so discouraging and defeating.

I'm still trying to get Lola assessed for ADHD.

And I'm trying, trying, trying to get a sense that this is actually summer . . . and to find joy and rest in the season.


  1. I do hope the med adjustments go well. I am glad your tooth issues are resolving. That is no fun at all. We love the 14 Cows for America book. I am always looking for the heroes in tragedies.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. Just requested the book from our library! Thanks!

    That's a great water picture.


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