Assessment 2018-19: Super Star

Super Star is still finishing up the last bit of her 10th grade year.  She's still writing the battle/climax scene of her One Year Adventure Novel, and when that's done, she has to write the final denouement chapter.  The computer that she likes to use died this year, and that has left her scrambling for computer time with either the family computer or Sir Walter Scott's.

That's rather challenging.

Plus, she started working this summer, and she's putting in nearly 40 hours each week.  Good for her pocketbook and her mental health, not so good for her writing.

Symposium = 2.5 credits
   1 credit--English
        The Good and the Beautiful High School 1 

     1 credit--History
        The Mystery of History Volume 4
      .5 credit--Art, Sketching and Watercolor
        The Good and the Beautiful High School 1

She dropped Spanish--gave it her best shot, but there was no joy in it at all--smiley photo notwithstanding.

Independent Studies = 4 credits
    1 credit--Pre-Algebra
        Saxon Algebra 1/2
    1 credit--General Science
        Apologia Exploring Creation with General Science
    .5 credit--French
        Memoria Press First Start French II 
    1 credit--Creative Writing
        One Year Adventure Novel
   .5 credit--Music, piano
        YouTube videos
         Hours tracked:  79

Morning Meeting = .5 credit (this does not count seminary, personal scripture study, or Come, Follow Me)
     .5 credit--Religious Studies
         New Testament, KJV
        New Testament Stories
        Egermeier's Bible Storybook
        The Book of Mormon
        The Book of Mormon Family Reader

Classics Book Club =  1 credit
    1 credit--Classic Literature
        Dracula by Bram Stoker
        Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
        The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
        Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
        Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
        Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
        Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
        Book club meetings for lectures, discussion, and watching a movie version of each book

Total Credits = 8.0

*Working out--Super Star used a variety of cardio and strengthening videos (especially Jillian Michaels videos), exercise tracking apps, and pinterest workout routine images to keep fit.  I'd have given her a P.E. credit for her work, but she didn't track her hours.
*Ward Choir--she participated in our church choir for the entire school year.
*The Young Women--she was active with her church youth group, serving in the class presidency at two different times.  She is currently the secretary of the presidency.  She served as a stake YCL for camp this summer, and the leadership opportunity was a blessing for her.

She attended early morning seminary faithfully and had almost 100% attendance.

Super Star works twice as hard as anyone else does to produce the same amount of work.  She has consented to be tested for learning disabilities so that she can have accommodations at the college level.  It is on me to now find a testing location/time for her.

She works so hard!

She frequently gets angry and flies off in a temper, but honestly, I am sympathetic to these rages, given how much mental, emotional, and physical effort she puts into getting her work done.

I'm grateful she has found that exercise helps her restore her mind and body into balance.

She is well aware that changing her diet to one more focused on simple, natural foods could help her, but her addiction to sugar is strong (I empathize), and she has yet to decide to work on that.

She is struggling with anxiety, and she's found a friend at church with similar struggles with whom she feels she can be honest.

She naps a lot.

Super Star's favorite book/movie genre is fantasy/adventure.  She has little patience for romantic comedies or dramas.   She is a deep fan of Tolkien, and her favorite Christmas present this year was a boxed set of The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit to replace the set that has been read to pieces.

She has remarkable spiritual gifts and experiences.  She is deeply tempted by the false glitter of the world, but she comes back to what she knows is true.

She struggles with our family make up.  Being part of a big, messy family is not joyful for her, and she is often not pleasant with us; however, she will apologize after the fact, and she will contribute to our home life by doing chores.

She's a good babysitter to other children.

Super Star dreams of travel and adventure.  She's also something of a homebody.  (Which is more like me than she will admit. :) )

This past academic year has been one of significant emotional turmoil and mental anguish for Super Star.  The fact that she has completed 8 credits of academic work and learned lots of important life lessons along the way is a tremendous accomplishment!


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