Assessment 2018-19: Pixie

She's done!

With homeschooling, that is.

Her education from this point forward will look quite different from what it has looked like so far, but it's going to be great for her!  Her schedule this fall looks something like this:
   M                  T                   W               Th                F
Dance          Dance           Dance          Dance         Religion
English        Math             English        Math          Dance 
Dance          Dance           Dance          Dance         English

If she makes the dance team she's auditioning for, she'll add more dance to her schedule.  If she doesn't, she'll add an afternoon job.

But that's yet to come.

This past year Pixie earned 7.5 credits.

Symposium = 3 credits
   1 credit--English
        The Good and the Beautiful High School 1 
        College Writing  homeschool co-op class Fall 2018

   1 credit--History
        The Mystery of History Volume 4
   .5 credit--Spanish Listening and Translation
        BJU Press Spanish 2 (not completed, used as a resource) conference archives in Spanish library in Spanish
        YouTube videos in Spanish
   .5 credit--Art, Sketching and Watercolor
        The Good and the Beautiful High School 1

Morning Meeting = .5 credit (this does not count seminary, personal scripture study, or Come, Follow Me)
     .5 credit--Religious Studies
         New Testament, KJV
        New Testament Stories
        Egermeier's Bible Storybook
        The Book of Mormon
        The Book of Mormon Family Reader
Classics Book Club =  1 credit
    1 credit--Classic Literature
        Dracula by Bram Stoker
        Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
        The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
        Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
        Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
        Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
        Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
        Book club meetings for lectures, discussion, and watching a movie version of each book

Dual Enrolled classes taken at the community college = 2 credits
     1 credit--World Geography
     1 credit--American History to 1865 

Dance studio = 1 credit (185+ hours)
     1 credit--Ballet, musical theater jazz, jazz, modern, belly dance, Bollywood

9th/10th grade = 10.25 credits
10th/11th grade = 9      credits
12th grade =         7.5   credits
Total =                26.75 credits

Extracurricular Activities
     Choreographer/Teacher for American Rhythm
     Ballet teacher for homeschool co-op  (summer and fall sessions)

Pixie attended seminary faithfully.  She doesn't get to graduate from seminary, but her reason is a good one, and she'll take 14 credits worth of religion classes in order to graduate from BYU-Idaho.

Pixie worked at her dance studio every Monday night as the front desk clerk in exchange for her dance instruction. 

She worked at Menchie's every Tuesday.

She worked as a babysitter on weekends.
This summer she's working nearly 40 hours a week at the amusement park in addition to working at the studio and dancing.

Pixie has been learning lessons in time management, money management, and dealing with difficult people.

She's very good at calling AAA for help.  (Oh! That car!)

She got lax about her personal spiritual nourishment, but she also recognized and corrected the omissions. 

She has the gift of faith.

She's a devoted sister to all of her siblings . . . though clearly Lola is a favorite!


When she's home, she's my best ally and helper.  She's been gone from home more and more, though, as she's reached for ways to be her own self, and I don't begrudge her that time.  I miss her, but I'm glad for this transitional season before she's really and truly gone from our home.

September 13th is rapidly approaching.

She's ready.

(Now that she has an alarm clock that actually wakes her up!)


  1. What a wonderful, yet bittersweet season. I hope you loves college and dances her heart out.
    Blessings, Dawn


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