A Week, Briefly (Adoption Week!!!!)

The attorney counted us--not just our family, but all of our invited attendees--as we filed out of the courtroom.  He said to my dad that we were the largest group he's ever seen at an adoption.

And he's completed nearly 3,000 adoptions.

That's family.  That's friends.  That's community.
Us, with the commissioner who approved our adoption.

I'm counting my blessings right now.

I'm so blessed to have community.

And 4 new children.


We had a simple luncheon back at our house.

Then we went to the park for milk and cookies with more of our favorite friends.

Brother enjoys a cookie
Sir Walter Scott's brother flew out as a surprise for us!  Pixie kept the secret for over 2 weeks!!!
My dad forgot his sun hat, and all we had in the van was this beanie.  He wore it well. :)  I didn't get any other pictures because I was busy visiting, and the park was so crowded I didn't even know where any of my kids were half of the time!!
 More community.

I'm still counting those blessings.

The next day (Tuesday) we were sealed together for time and all eternity in the temple.

It was a day of many mini-catastrophes.

The temple workers, family, and friends helped us solve every single problem.

More community.

It was an experience never to be forgotten.

A forever family
 We had our monthly Poetry and Pie event on Wednesday--we included the grandparents and other extended family in town.  Uncle K-- was the funniest.  Grandad C-- tied with Grandma J-- for the most touching.  The kids were all delightful.

On Thursday we said goodbye to all of the family.  On our way home from the airport, we stopped spontaneously at a park to climb and explore for a few minutes, but it was too chilly to last long.  When we got home and put on jackets we spent the rest of the afternoon outdoors--blowing bubbles, cleaning out garden beds, drawing with chalk, organizing rocks, jumping off stumps . . .

For a little while in the morning, Nature Angel read stories to the other littles in this nest she built of pillows and blankets.

Ladybug got up close and personal with some roly-polies.  She was quite scared of them at first, but fascination beat out fear, and she had a grand time letting them climb on her hands.3

On Friday we went to a local park--a lovely bit of wildlife right in the middle of the city.  I took just the 6 middles and Pixie; the babies stayed home napping with Dad and other big sisters to watch over them.

Peering into the cave

Looking up from inside the cave through a hole in the ground
Scaling the rock wall

The park is also a historical site, and this chimney is what remains of an old cabin.
We paused to play at a little playground.

Then we hiked some more and enjoyed the gorgeous spring scenery.

In the afternoon we came home and had some quiet studies/play/reading time.  Mister Man finished this whole book!!!


  1. What a beautiful family. Congratulations on the adoptions!

  2. What a beautiful family. Congratulations on the adoptions!

  3. Congratulations! Beautiful family and wonderful support:)

  4. Congratulations! and Bless your heart for putting in all that hard work raising these jewels. Visiting from weekly wrap up.

  5. I'm visiting from Weekly Wrap-Up and the photo of your family at the temple caught by eye. What a beautiful moment to share with us. It made my heart so happy to see. Thank you.

  6. Woo hoo! Wonderful week. So fun to see faces for all the kids now in your posts.

  7. Congratulations! What a week! Pls do share at the Practical Mondays Link Up too!

  8. I am so happy for you and your forever family. :)


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