Whooo Boy!

I knew it would be hard.

I didn't know it would be THIS HARD.

Neither did the kids.

I have the perspective to know that progress is possible.

The kids don't.

We are praying, reciting scriptures (for encouragement), hugging, crying, putting out fires (figuratively), and squaring our shoulders.

And only one is here for the time being.

No time or energy to write more details here.

It's really, really, really HARD.


  1. You've been in my prayers. Yes, hard. Yes, kids can't see that perspective and honestly some days adults can't either. Praying always that your family (both birth and expanded) will grow from this and be blessed!

  2. I have been thinking of you continually and wondering how everything was going. We will be praying for you. I've never done fostering/adopting, but I have a friend who has adopted four (two sibling groups of two each) and she has shared some of the spiritual and physical struggles that go on during the process. You are an amazing woman!!


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