Adoption Update

It was with heavy hearts that we informed the Children's Division that we can not adopt little Jaybird.  I wrote a formal letter describing his behaviors and needs in detail--both the good and the bad.  The Children's Division thanked us for our efforts and agreed that for Jaybird to be thrive he'd need another placement.

The miracle is that after the initial sadness, we feel complete peace.

This is not the end of our relationship with him.

This is all part of a greater plan orchestrated by a loving Father in Heaven.
The court order for the younger 4 children that was supposed to come through no later than Monday is still not here as of Friday.  Dad and I are off to meet them tonight at their foster home.  After we meet them we have to make a decision on their behalf--to either move them to our house cold turkey or to organize a series of progressively longer visits until they just stay with us.

Both systems are terribly traumatic for the children.

The CASAs want them moved ASAP.
Other members of the team want them moved more slowly.

So it is left to us.

And God.

We are asking Him, in his infinite wisdom, what would be best.

And waiting for an answer.


  1. Praying with you as you seek heaven's guidance in how to proceed!

  2. Yes, indeed - praying for you all. I didn't get to leave a comment on your previous post, but I am keeping up with everything and praying for you continually.

  3. How exciting! Life's next adventure...


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