A Week, Briefly (Will We Ever Get Back to "Normal?")

After one conversation with my husband, another with my mother, and too many days of tears and self-recrimination I am admitting that I need to be screened for post-partum depression.

(There, that will make me accountable for actually making an appointment to see my doctor in the week ahead.)

As for the past week . . .

*I read chapter 2 (Honesty) of Standing for Something with the older girls.
*We continue to have morning devotionals.  For the little ones we sing a primary song and read a Book of Mormon story.  For the older ones we read and discuss a General Conference talk from the October 2014 conference.
*We watched a few documentaries:
    Life in Cold Blood
    The Bear Family and Me (This one was really, really good--even if it was a little bit hard on hunters).
    How Things Are Made (this was a re-watch as some of the kids missed it the first time)
*Soccer practice continued.
*Dance rehearsals went on.
*We attended a science club meeting about reducing consumption and waste.
*Church youth activities consisted of a book club meeting, a classical music concert (informal--by one of the older youth), and Uno
*The little girls and I finished reading Ramona the Brave
*I3 and H5 read together with me from What Your Preschooler Needs to Know 3 or 4 times this week.
*I helped H5 do 10 or so pages of math from her Comprehensive Curriculum book.
*E14 spent a lot of time at the piano--she picks out melodies to church songs and creates her own accompaniment because she plays by ear.
*M13 spent a lot of time at the piano--she reads music, so she practiced from a simplified hymn book.
*Everyone spent a lot of time reading independently.

And we took a few pictures (by "we" I mean the kids):


Mommy and Baby L have good conversations.

The boys.

S12 is the best at getting Baby L to smile and talk.

He weighed 10 lbs as of Monday . . . and he's going bald. :)

The little guys did some painting.

The older girls play games most days.

M13 and S12 got to attend the Daddy/Daughter dance at church.
 It was 50s themed, so they dressed up. 

They had a blast.  S12 won at musical chairs.
 E14 had a youth dance at church, too, but she said her dance wasn't as fun as it could have been because there were more girls than boys, and the playlist wasn't any good.  :)

And I began keeping a gratitude journal . . . I may feel lost and confused, but there is so much to celebrate each day.  I live a blessed life.


  1. Your wee one is adorable, your family is beautiful, and I'll definitely be praying for you as you evaluate the PPD issue. You've had quite the rough time this year, but you're doing such an amazing job!

  2. I'm proud of you for recognizing PPD and taking steps to getting through it. Praying you'll have a good week this week and that you'll get in to the doctor ASAP. ((HUGS))

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That baby is growing! I loved the 50's themed dance pic. We did that as a 4 H banquet theme a few years ago. It was so much fun! Documentaries are a great way for your children to do something educational during this season. What a wonderful idea! We don't have cable but we do have a TV and watch movies and stream NetFlix. My children have learned a lot on some of those shows. My husband was amazed at something my 9 year old was telling him the other day and asked him where he learned it and it was from Netflix.

    I will be praying for you in dealing with the PPD and that you will get in to see your doctor this week.


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