I Wish . . .

Even though I know better, I am feeling the lure of beautiful curriculum packages.  I wish I could find:
photo credit
(If you follow the photo credit link above, you'll find a great post!)

I wish I our school shelves could look like this:
photo credit
And I wish our days could look like this:
photo credit
So tidy and color coded and organized!

I've been sucked into those perfect packages before.

They're never perfect.

They always cost too much money.

And no matter how pretty they are, real life is, well, real life.

Our school shelves look more like this:

photo credit
(And that's on a good day.  Often they're much less tidy.)

It's just that this has been a hard year so far, and I wish someone could take me by the hand and lead me through the decisions and work that are ahead.  It's nearly time to end our undefined break and get organized. 

I'm rather afraid of the responsibility.

Those beautiful curriculum packages out there feel like a hand holding mine.

We still need to complete the school year we began in the fall of 2014.  We still have all of our incompleted workbooks and project lists.  We still have our goals.  There is no need for anything new.

But new things come with promises and a sense of newness and shiny wrappers.

I kind of need some promises, a sense of newness, and a few shiny wrappers.

So I will turn to this promise:
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

I will create a sense of new by organizing a "First Day of School (Again)" day.

Maybe I'll search out some simple school supplies . . . or snacks . . . that come in shiny wrappers.

And I will reach out to the real hands waiting to take hold of mine.


  1. Being the one who feels responsible for their education is the hardest part! We know we fall short of what we think we should be able to do. I need regular reminders that the Lord is the one who is handling this homeschooling business! Hang in there!

  2. That is one of my favorite verses and I repeat it to myself often. It is a huge responsibility this parenting and homeschooling thing, and I am so thankful for God's Grace that will be there when I make the many mistakes that I make. There is no perfect package just like there is no perfect mom or children. I understand how you feel.

    Your bookshelf is much neater than mine and the schoolroom is always a disaster!


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