Assessment 2012--A5

She is one of the brightest parts of my life.  Five-year-olds are just so special to me!  This little girl loves to do preschool with her little sister.  She loves her reading lessons; she is doing great!  We used Sonlight K reading/language arts for most of the year and she just thrived on it.  In addition we read lots of early readers on our own and she reads at least 1 verse a day from the Book of Mormon.  I think she is reading far beyond her years.  This year we are moving on to Sonlight Language Arts 1, and we will keep the additional reading and Book of Mormon reading.  It's working!

As for the rest of school, I'm not worried about it.  We read fun library books on science, history, math, geography--every subject imaginable.  At night I read aloud to her from chapter books like All-of-A-Kind Family, A Grain of Rice, A Bear Called Paddington, Mr. Popper's Penguins, etc.  She plays math games on the computer and learns songs and games from  Over the Christmas break she discovered Dance Mat Typing, and I am allowing all kinds of extra computer time for her as she avidly learns to type.

Yesterday she discovered that she can thread a needle and make things all by herself! 

And last but not least we have devotional every morning in which we memorize a scripture, memorize a poem, sing a primary song, and read a scripture story

It is a privilege to be a part of this little girl's learning and growing!


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