Two Days of Service . . . So Far

I threw us right into the deep with our first service project on Monday; we prepared Christmas cards for soldiers for the American Red Cross.  The deadline for having the cards in Maryland is this Friday, so we just barely made the cut off, and we were only able to do one box of 18 cards, but that's 18 soldiers who will be getting cards who wouldn't if we hadn't tried.

 Next year we can start earlier and do more.  Perhaps I'll pick up some cards at 70% off after Christmas this year . . . but then I'll have to find them next year!

S10 said as we worked, "I'm not sure doing this is making me happier.  I think I feel kind of sad because these soldiers are away from their families."

I just smiled sympathetically, "That's good.  It means you're feeling sympathy.  I do hope you feel happy because you're doing something nice, though."

She smiled happily back at me.

I think she's fine.

Tuesday A5 said the prayer at lunch.  Among other sweet expressions I heard, " . . . and please bless the soldiers who are far away so they can have a happy Christmas . . ."

My mother-heart is full.

Tuesday's project was picking up trash in the woods.  We filled 3 bags in about 5 minutes.  It created fewer warm fuzzies than the cards did, but it was a service nonetheless.

Today we're making a batch of treats for our neighbors.  This one will appear strategically throughout the month so that we I don't have to go crazy doing all of the treats in one go.  A little here, a little there, and we can have fun with a sane mommy.


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