A Week, Briefly (12/14/20)

The week started fairly normally, but then Sir Walter Scott's father died, and everything became extraordinary.
We had a simple Sabbath with video church meetings, quiet indoor play, and a bit of time playing up on the field. 


And gingerbread houses (graham cracker houses).

It's not all fun and games.  The look on Ladybug's face in the background shows just how frustrating this activity can be when your house won't stand up!

But the rewards of problem solving are great!

That evening we got word that Grampa wasn't likely to see the end of the week, and we made hurried plans to get out to say goodbye.
We decided that the only formal school we would do would be while Mr. S-- was over.  The rest of the day was devoted to playing, packing, and planning.

Shortly after midnight Sir Walter Scott got the call that his dad had passed into eternity.
Just prior to this, Pixie's world had been rocked, and after her finals were done, she ran away to family in Utah.  She was there at the end--along with several cousins, aunts, uncles, and Grammie.

We told the family about Grampa, and we hurried our travel plans even more.

Mr. S-- was still scheduled to come over, but we didn't have our usual school at all.  He was present while we made cards for Grammie.

We left late that night.

Wednesday--a travel day.
It was bitterly cold and dangerously windy.  But Sir Walter Scott got us safely to the family in Utah.

We only had 2 vomit situations--Brother and Theo.  But we had to eat in the car while driving because it was so, so, so, so cold outside!

The back row looks empty, but it was actually quite full with sleeping teenagers and Theo--Belle's dog.
I had a phone appointment with Beowulf's psychiatrist who rejoiced with me to hear that he is doin well on his new med.  She sent in a prescription to raise the dose to a better therapeutic level.  
That's a covid blessing!  A year ago I'd have had to cancel the appointment because of our trip.  This time no one batted an eyelash about keeping it, and his prescription is ready to pick up!
Along the way our plans to go to Idaho to pick up Pixie's belongings changed due to the kindness of one of Sir Walter Scott's friends who anxiously reached out to serve by coordinating her apartment check out and meeting Sir Walter Scott at the Utah/Idaho border to deliver her boxes.

It was true charity in action.

We took Hike #52 of 52!!

It was a little baby hike, but it was all we could handle after long traveling and interrupted sleep.  More than once, kids just lay down in the trail and refused to get up and walk any further.

It was only 1.2 miles round trip. :)

But we did it!

And it was beautiful!

 Family continued to arrive, and we visited, cleaned, cooked, and went through some of Grampa's stuff. 

In the evening we had dinner with some friends that moved from here to there a few months ago.  How fun it was to renew our friendship and catch up on one another's families!  We are blessed to count them as our friends.
At one point we found Lola's most beloved kitty hugging Baby Jesus.  Lola put her there.

We held the funeral.

Such a joyful celebration of his life and legacy!

It is wonderful to know that Grampa is pain free, with Baby Violet, and waiting to welcome the rest of us to eternity.  We look forward to seeing him again someday.

The grandchildren sang.

The children (of Grampa) spoke and/or offered prayers.
I was privileged to provide the music at the piano, and Pixie was our chorister. 

We went back to Sir Walter Scott's brother's house and continued to honor Grampa with food and stories and laughter.  Along the way we celebrated Grammie's 77th birthday.  

Cousins played outside and in, strengthening relationships that are otherwise strained by distance.  One of the highlights (that not a single soul took a picture of) was riding in Uncle S--'s 6-seater side-by-side.  He made the rides in the snow very exciting!

We packed up to head home.


14 humans and a beloved pet made the drive back safely . . . in spite of 70+ mph winds, 2 Beowulf meltdowns, fog, and bounding deer.

What happened homeschool-wise?

*Math and Reading lessons on Monday
*Morning Meetings, Christmas picture book reading, Names of Jesus Devotionals, and Evening Reading on Monday and Tuesday
* Writing notes and crafting cards for Grammie on Tuesday
*Packing, organizing, cleaning, and serving one another all week long
*A Christmas devotional with cousins on Wednesday
*Christmas picture books and evening reading with cousins on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
*Family choir practice on Friday
*PE as we hiked, jumped on the trampoline, shoveled snow, built snowmen, and had snowball fights with family.
*Geography lessons as we traveled on Wednesday and Sunday. (How many miles?  What state are we in?  When will we get there?!?!)
*Lots of family history stories
*Kids learned how to play darts, air hockey, and pool 
*They learned what a cuckoo clock is--and loved gathering before it as it went off each hour
I imagine if I thought about it harder, I could come up with lots more, but that is enough for now.

Christmas is coming.

I am grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ, and His gospel of peace, love, repentance, forgiveness, and eternal families.


  1. I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like a whirlwind of a week. I hope you all have a safe and wonderful Christmas.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. Adorable gingerbread houses! I thank God for your safe travels! (And Sir Walter Scott. He is a really good driver.) :)

  3. Wow, what a week! I'm sorry for your loss. Sounds like it was good to reconnect with family, though. I hope everyone stays healthy in the aftermath.

    Lola's kitty looks very familiar. I think we have the same beanie baby around here somewhere.

    Congrats on the med situation, both the telephone appointment, and the fact that it's helping!

    Here's to settling back into routine.


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