A Week, Briefly (4/8/19)

The week began with General Conference and the inaugural use of the slack line we got for Christmas.

Hopeful helpers and hard-to-waiters as Dad got it ready.

Then we dove into school as usual with Morning Meeting, Symposium, Academy, and individual school activities every day of the week.  It was pretty routine, and we're all a step (or several) closer to putting the books away for a season.

And the slack line got lots more use as the kids figured out new ways to develop their balance.

I received half a dozen wildflower bouquets--everyone is happy it's spring!

Special events included the completion of Easy Peasy All In One Homeschool Getting Ready One (preschool) by Beowulf, Lola, and Baymax!

Beowulf with his final letter project.

Lola and Baymax each with their binder and favorite letter project.

That's a stack of preschool projects for 3 kids! 
They dove the very next day into their new activities.

For Beowulf this means a lesson or two of Alphaphonics (at least for now--it's borrowed from the library) and some work in The Good and Beautiful Level K Primer.

Lola is working in The Good and Beautiful Pre-K program.

Baymax joins Lola each day with Pre-K and also is working his way through Phonics Pathways.  So far I've had him do the pages with C-V-C words twice.  He sounds them out perfectly well, but he doesn't recognize the words when he sees them again, so we're working the pages until he develops enough fluidity for me to be comfortable adding in new word patterns.  It's happening--just slowly, and he's happy with what we're doing.

The happiest boy in town was Mister Man the day the teen car died (again) and had to be towed home.  The AAA driver allowed Mister Man to run the levers that released the car to the ground.  All he did was tell Mister Man what each lever did, and then he stood to the side giving verbal directions.  None of us could stop smiling at our happy, happy, happy boy doing man-work with machinery.

(The teen car is fixed--again)

And then I opened up the newsletter that Belle's farm puts out each week, and I found Belle featured as she planted a field of potatoes!

Photo by Farmer Brooke
And we had our final dance rehearsal on Thursday followed by our Friends and Family show on Saturday night.

That's it.

Our season is finished.

I only have one picture so far because I didn't take any, because I was flying around dressing kids, cuing entrances, supervising exits, presenting end of year awards, and generally being a stage mom/dance teacher.

This is me fixing the broken zipper on Pixie's dress.

But I think some pictures are going to be shared soon, and I'm quite likely to post far too many of them for anyone's enjoyment but my own. :)

It's been such a good year for our little band of dancers.  We choreographed and learned 34 brand-new dances, performing them at 6 nursing homes in our community as well as at this weekend's final show.  We made new costumes, new friends, and a lot of joy.

The break will do us all good, but so will starting again in the new season--we're going to have an international theme this coming year.

(I've already reserved a hula dance for my baby class!)


  1. Sometimes I love the end of the year even more that the fresh start to the new school year with all of it's hopes and dreams. So glad the car is fixed and the dance group was so great this year. The slack line looks like lots of fun to come.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. I love the letter projects. So cute! I too have been getting many wildflower bouquets. So happy spring is here! Have a great week!


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