A Week, Briefly (4/22/19)

Easter Sunday began for us with a twist on the Easter basket tradition.  Instead of a basket for each person, we had a family basket filled with breakfast goodies and some simple presents that could be shared among everyone.

The cardboard box on the left has new heavy duty swings to replace the broken ones in our swing set.

The teens get to attend Mamma Mia live next week!

We spent the morning jump roping and bowling on the deck together until it was time to go to church.

After church we headed up to my sister's house for dinner with cousins and Grandma and Grandpa.

Here are too many pictures. :)

Watching and waiting for the signal to collect eggs

That's my sister on the right, and she's giving directions to the tweens about how to do their scavenger hunt after the little kids collected eggs in the yard.  It was really well done and kept this crew hopping.

The teens got their very own Easter puzzle to solve before receiving their treat of boxes of chocolate.  It took them a while to solve, and it was fun to watch them work together.

We stayed later than I meant to because the cousins played peacefully and joyfully together . . .  Mister Man's exhaustion shows just how much fun we squeezed into one holiday!

The nurse at the kids' psychiatric office is fast becoming one of my favorite people in the world.  She called me early Monday morning to tell me that there was a cancellation with Brother's psychiatrist 1/2 hour after Ladybug's appointment.  She wanted me to have the chance to get in before scheduling gave it away.

I took it!

One stop, two kids, two psychiatrists, two new meds.

What a blessing!

Waiting for docs to consult with one another . . .

That kept us from having symposium in the morning, but the teens didn't complain a bit, and I got a full day of school in for the 12-and-unders.

Art and phonics activities by Baymax (left column) and Lola (right column)

Ladybug's new med made her cry all day . . . or it was the combination of too much Easter fun and the new med.

I'm reserving judgment.

The very last of the kids' Christmas art/science crates arrived, and they had a grand time working with them.  Little Princess (above) worked with a pendulum and glow in the dark materials; Nature Angel (below) made paper and bound mini journals.

We had a normal school day on Tuesday.

I'm not a fan of Dracula at all.  It makes me feel like I need to pull out my scriptures to undo the creepiness of the story.

The teens (mostly) agree.

Ladybug didn't cry all day, but she was both defiant and vague.  It was a challenge to do any school with her, but we did.

Beowulf got a new school book in the mail and I've added it on to The Good and Beautiful primer he is also using.  It is taking the place of Alphaphonics (which had to go back to the library).

Baymax is loving a preschool math book on loan from the library.  I may have to invest in this one because though it is definitely a preschool book, I can see how it addresses number understanding that Ladybug still doesn't have.  If the games in this book could help her, then it would be well worth the investment.

Mister Man is the only kid who didn't do individual school, and that's because I wanted to get the kids to the park before the local schools got out for the day.  It was kind of cold and rainy, so no one was likely to be hanging out at the park, but I needed my crew to run off some steam that they just couldn't seem to run off in our own yard, so off we went.

By the time we got home, it was colder and rainier, so the kids settled down for a couple of episodes of Liberty's Kids while I made hamburger soup for dinner.

Then everyone went to bed early because the Easter fun still seemed to be affecting everyone for the worse.

Well, almost everyone . . . Belle stayed up and finished her Algebra book!!!

As of Wednesday afternoon, I noticed that Brother's new med is not causing a negative reaction!  If he continues to tolerate it, we will add in a minuscule morning dose to the equally minuscule evening dose he's been taking since Monday night.

It was a regular school day for all of us.  In Academy, we finished our history book!

Next week we will start our spring/summer study of Myself and Others Book 1 by Memoria Press.  Nature Angel and Little Princess will be excused from this study because it is far beneath their skill levels, but it will be so good for my particular batch of 8-and-unders.

Pixie's history teacher gave her the assignment of reading the book the problematic movie was based on, and she's been happily immersed in a powerful story.  The professor fussed at her a little in an email, but he's been a perfect gentleman to her in person.

We are grateful.

By day 3 of her new med Ladybug was calmer and less inclined to dangerous behaviors, however, it is hard to see any improvement in her ability to think before she acts or any improvement in her school work.

And I am crazy disappointed to discover (after purchasing a used copy online) that the lessons in The Mystery of History Volume 1 are geared toward very young children.  We'd gotten used to the lessons in volumes 3 & 4, and I assumed that we could simply cycle back around to our missed volume 1, but it is clear that the levels get progressively more challenging, and it would be ridiculous to have my high schoolers do work appropriate for grade schoolers.   We could use the enrichment activities to make it more grade appropriate, but that would mean sending the teens off to do research for every lesson, and I am not interested in that plan at all.

It's a great starting place for Nature Angel, who would finish the 4 year cycle at age 16 and then could move into American Government and Economics.  But if I have Little Princess join her, then Little Princess will be covering modern history by the time she's about Nature Angel's age now, and I don't like that plan at all . . . for a myriad of reasons.

Soooooo, it's back to the drawing board to redesign our school plans for the upcoming year . . . at least for history.

We squeezed in what school we could on Thursday morning (Dracula, some individual school) along with a chiropractic visit for Pixie before heading off for a long afternoon of park play with our dance group.  We picnicked, played, talked, and simply allowed the hours to drift by in relaxed joy.

As a group, we've decided to do this once a month.

I like that plan. :)

If you look closely, you can see clusters of teens and tweens and kids just hanging out together all over this structure.

The kids were all so tired when we got home that I let them watch some Liberty's Kids while Little Princess helped me make pancakes for dinner.

Mustaches for Maddie was missing (Seriously--read this book!  It's great!).  We searched everywhere we could think of, but we finally ended up starting The Adventures of Tom Sawyer with the promise that when we found Mustaches, we would put Tom aside to finish what we started.

Then it was off to early bed for everyone.

Friday was only a half day of school--Symposium, Academy, and some individual school--activities before I headed out the door for therapy with Brother, followed by a date with Little Princess and Nature Angel that the Easter Bunny promised would happen.

Painting pottery--they get to pick up their finished pieces next week.

Super Star got to go to the zoo with friends, and then she had a date in the evening that was low-key and fun--they had a picnic at the lake!

Nature Angel was invited to an impromptu pizza-and-game-night hosted by a church friend, but the sore throat that I thought came from too much happy talking and laughing with friends at the park got worse as the day went on, and then at the last minute I realized she had a fever.

Poor Nature Angel. :(

Missing the activity was one too many times being left out of group activities this week (she was the only girl not invited to a birthday party . . . why?!?!?), and she cried a good cry in my arms.

Growing up lessons are the hardest lessons of all.

But Ladybug found Mustaches for Maddie!!!!

We ended our Friday night quietly with our usual bedtime routines of reading, songs, and prayers.

Saturday will be full of chores, babysitting, grocery shopping, and a church activity for my turning-8-this-year boys.


  1. I am so glad you have a helpful nurse! They can be worth their weight in gold for sure. Praying these meds work well or point the doctors in a good direction of what will work well.
    Losing books drives me crazy! Especially if we were planning to use it soon. LOL. Glad you found it.

  2. So jealous about the Mama Mia thing!!

  3. That nurse is a blessing indeed. The Easter fun looks marvelous. We have done family gifts with just a bit of candy for years. We used to get a new pet for Easter (a Beta fish or hamster...something that only lasts a few years). This year they tried to talk me into a golden retriever or infant bunny. I didn't fall for either. LOL. We just got some new games.

    I hate when one is left out. That playground looks grand. You all have some really nice public spaces.
    Blessings, Dawn

  4. I love the altogether Easter gifts. All of the children's baskets scattered throughout the kitchen has about driven me crazy! We have a child that tends to get left out too. I hate that! I am glad the nurse has been a blessing to you and I hope the everything works out with the meds.

    I just read the comment you wrote on my blog. How scary!! I do not know what I would have done. I do not know why people are so critical. I think a lot of times it's simply because they cannot understand why we choose to do things in a different way but still I know I am (and other mamas too!) hard enough on myself I don't need to hear it from others and it becomes hard to get out of those conversations/situations gracefully.

    I hope you have a great week!


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