A Week, Briefly (4/1/19)

Prom was Saturday night.  In my family, only Pixie and Super Star were able to attend as it was limited to ages 16-18.

(Poor Belle--it was hard to be left out.)

Sir Walter Scott was driver to half a dozen couples who made a fun evening complete with pictures, dinner, and then dancing at the prom.

selfie by Super Star

professional photo

candid shot by Dad as these two waited for their turn with the photographer

Some of the couples came back to our house to visit for a while, and Belle got to join in that.

(It definitely took some of the sting out of the evening.)

And then we dove into a 3-day school week as we had a psych appointment for Beowulf followed by our final nursing home show on Thursday.  Then I'd reserved Friday to attend a homeschool conference, but that got changed into a mom-to-mom homeschool conference in my home with a friend who is bringing her kids home and wanted a little time to ask questions without the muss-and-fuss of a several-thousand-attendee event.

Baymax learned how to ride his two-wheeler!  Lola is the only one left with training wheels, and I'll bet it won't be long for her.  I never realized that teaching the last children to ride two-wheelers would be bittersweet.

The teens finished their history final on Monday.  Now we're working double time on Language Arts.

Nature Angel finished her math book on Tuesday. 

These two spent time in the garage with tools and wood and built stuff!

Then one day Mister Man set up these two with a lesson on left and right.  They had no idea they were learning. :)

We finally finished the final Incorrigibles book!  This series is awesome!!!

Ladybug finished reading New Testament Stories.  The next step for her is to re-read the book while keeping a narrative notebook.  We'll start that on Monday.

My meeting with the psychiatrist for Beowulf was very frustrating.  She didn't make good on the promises she made last fall when she gave us the results of his assessment.  Rather she hemmed and hawed and said I had to get documentation of his behaviors from a person who interacts with him outside of our home.

I found someone, and we'll be fine.

But, really?!?!?!

Our show was a joy.  The audience was pretty big, and though they didn't seem to engage with us very much, they were incredibly complimentary after the fact.  It was a good place to dance, and I hope we go back next year.

That's one of MY classes!  Pixie's photobombing!

This is Pixie's class!!

Every year in February I think, "I can't wait for the year to be over."  Then we get to the final show, and I think, "But I don't want it to end!"  It's a good service we do; I'm so glad to be a part of this group.

Other than my visit with my friend, Friday was a very frustrating day--negative behaviors filled the afternoon, and my anxiety ramped up to the breaking point.

I made it through Friday night--just barely--but I did break on Saturday morning.

Poor Mister Man . . . he bore the brunt of it.

Thank goodness Pixie was present to hug him and pick up the pieces.

As for my personal education, I spent some time studying ADHD.  It's far more challenging to live with than I ever realized.  There is a great deal that I thought I knew, but I don't.  I will be doing rather a lot of studying in the weeks to come.

Oh, and Baymax is learning to read!

(We're using an old copy of  Phonics Pathways that I found on a bottom bookshelf a week or so ago.)


  1. Parenting a special needs family is EXHAUSTING! Take care of yourself and know that we all break now and again. The dance pics are great and that is a lovely service your family is doing. Oh, and the prom...what fun. Dean didn't learn to ride a two wheeler until he was 12 and we had to put him back into physical therapy to fix his weak core issues before he learned. That is a huge accomplishment in your household.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. I love the costumes for your dance groups and the amazing things the boys created with wood! I am sorry the doctor went back on what she said. I hope that all gets worked out. Every mama has breakdowns. Parenting is so, so hard and you are dealing with many specialized situations that make it even more challenging. I have one child that is very challenging and I have thought many times that she would break me completely. But a new day begins and His mercies are new every morning. We brush off the bad day (as best we can) try to let go of the mommy guilt (easier said then done sometimes!) and start a new day. So exciting that your little man had learned to ride a two wheeler. Sometimes things I never thought would be bittersweet, like the bicycle, washing their hair for the last time, tying their shoes for them for the last time, are. Have a great week!

  3. I really missed taking prom pictures this year. I think it's great that you guys perform for the seniors. :) Congratulations on the finished math book! It was always a huge sigh of relief around here.


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