Assessment 2017--Pixie

This was Pixie's 9th grade year--her first year of high school!

Before beginning this year, she and I had a number of tête-à-têtes about her dreams, goals, wishes, and plans.

Over the year, she grew and changed.

That's okay . . . that's good!

She's still interested in graduating early, but she's not interested in getting a cosmetology license.

She's still interested in photography, but she's fallen in love with dance.  She says, "I love photography, but it will always be there.  I can take pictures no matter how old I get.  Right now I love dance, and there's only a small window of time for me to be a dancer.  I want to focus on dance now and turn to photography later."

Seems kind of wise for 15.

So we're doing what we can to help her dance.

Academically, she had a challenging year, and she rose to the challenge with grace and determination.

She receives the following credits for her first year of high school:

1--Pre-Algebra (Saxon Algebra 1/2; completed summer 2016)
1--Algebra 1 with Geometry (Saxon Algebra 1)
1--Home Economics (2 semesters' work here and here)
1--English 9 (Oak Meadow--The Hero's Journey: Literature and Composition)
1--Science (Apologia--Exploring Creation with General Science)
1--History (The Mystery of History volume 2)
1--Geography (Lots of resources, including Geography through Art, map drills, and internet quizzes) 
.5--Personal Religious Studies (The Book of Mormon, The New Testament)
.5--Photography (Oak Meadow--Introduction to Photography)
.5--Art History/Appreciation (Lots of resources)
.25--Music History/Appreciation (Lots of resources including Easy Peasy All-in-One High School SQUILT)
.25--Spanish ( and Rockalingua)

That's 9 credits!!!

In addition she served in her Young Women's class presidency at church; earned her first Honor Bee award; got her driver's permit and has practiced driving a lot; was active as performer,costume designer, costume producer, and choreographer in our homeschool dance troupe; worked on her photography; got her first job; got her second job (she works both); attended early morning seminary with 100% attendance (she made up the absences incurred when we were all taken down with influenza); went on a pioneer trek; attended girls' camp; and was my right arm at home all year long.

Truly, she's a remarkable young woman.

Pixie is diligent in all of her work.  I do check in with her, but she's so good at being aware of when she does or doesn't need help that I can trust her to come to me for correction, advice, and encouragement.  

She cares about the work for the sake of learning it--not for checking off that it is done.  For this reason, I don't grade her essays; she works at them until she has done her absolute best, comes to me for feedback, and then pushes herself one step further.  

She is devoted in improving her faith; she walks the walk.

She loves to talk; she admits she's kind of boy-crazy (but she's never vulgar); and she truly loves her friends.

She gives her best to her family.

She's honest.

She is ambitious in the best sense of the word, and I admire the person she is and is becoming.


  1. 9 credits! Wow! You do such a great job with these assessments and helping and guiding your children to reach their dreams You have wonderful insights into your children.


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