Gone To the Trek

I just dropped E14 off at the church for a 3 day pioneer handcart trek.  She had her 5 gallon bucket, sack lunch, and duffel bag in hand.  She was decked out in full 19th century American pioneer clothing--as were the other 100 or so youth with her at the church.

 It's pouring buckets here, but I hope things will be drier and more comfortable in Oklahoma.

She's going to have the best time! 

The first time E14 left for a church camp she was still E12.  I was having serious mother-angst over my baby leaving home for 5 whole days.  The blessing was that she was so wretched to the family for the 2 weeks prior to that camp that I was actually relieved to see her go.  I kissed her goodbye with actual relief and went home to have a happy 5 days with my 10-and-unders who were actually fun to be around!

It made that first separation easier.

Since then I've gotten used to letting go (a little bit!) of my dear ones.  I haven't worried about E14 and this trip.  I've had fun sewing for her and helping her fill her 5 gallon bucket with the items on her packing list.  I've even felt a little wistful at the fact that my own girlhood is over . . . I kind of wish I were going with her.

She's been particularly delightful for the past few days--reading to I2, playing tickling games with H4, styling A7's hair, helping me with chores around the house, giving sweet advice to her bigger little sisters.

She's in good hands.  This camp is well-organized and she's in the best of hands.  I'm glad she's going.

But as I hugged her good bye I realized I'm going to miss her.


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