Bestest Big Sister Ever!

Part of our schedule for this school year includes morning playtime sessions; big sisters are assigned to little sisters while I take care of Baby I.9 and get things ready for the day.  The only directions I gave were, "You get half an hour to play together at 9:00 every morning."

This dearest of big sisters, my M10, took those directions to heart.  She not only plays with her little sisters, but she runs a sort of miniature preschool with them.  A5 and J3 jump for joy when M10 says, "Let's play!"

She takes them outside on nature walks.
She takes pictures of them.
She helps them with art projects.
She reads to them.
She helps them read to her.

If I didn't treasure the time I get to spend with my littlest ones, I could hand off their educations to her without batting an eyelash.

But I do treasure that time.
As they treasure their time with me.

This morning as I nursed my little man in the sunshine by the open window, I listened to M10 and her small sisters laugh together.

I felt that heaven was so very near.


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