A Week, Briefly (Mar 20, 2023)

Baymax threw a huge tantrum--1 hour 40 minutes long--this week over having to try to do something new. When he actually used words, I listened to his concerns. I validated everything he said. I acknowledged that he would "be bad at it" at first and reassured him that the goal was not being good, but just trying. And I ignored everything that wasn't rational. He screamed. He sulked. He hit me. (At which point I got Sir Walter Scott involved.) He said many rude things. He sulked some more. He screamed some more. He finally settled down, tried it, did it perfectly in under 2 minutes, and he was free. That's kind of what the whole week felt like. We accomplished a lot, and we were good at it! It just seemed to take a phenomenal amount of wasted energy to get to the good stuff. Monday Sir Walter Scott took the youngest 6 on a field trip into downtown Kansas City. (I stayed home with Nature Angel, Little Princess, and the daycare babies.) They rode the streetcar all over...