A Week, Briefly (1/25/21)

We did nothing exciting in our homeschool this week. Actually, we did do one exciting thing--the youngest ones (minus Lola who simply could not stay focused) illustrated their Owlets haiku books. We all wrote the same poems together, and I printed a copy for each child. Then they illustrated their individual booklets. Beowulf's pages. I didn't think to include his front cover! :( Mister Man's booklet This one is by Baymax Ladybug's--such a cute nest full of babies! Brother's Other than this cool project, all of my exciting energy was put into getting our dining room/school room walls mended, prepped, and painted and putting up the new interior window trim. We moved along with Morning Meeting every day, book work time every day, read aloud time every day, and lots and lots and lots of free time. . . . or Advanced Mathematics . . . that's almost as good as free time, right? The weather was kind of forbid...