A Week, Briefly (9/21/20)
We have a toddler in the house again . . . and it is SO FUN! Nature Angel looked at me with The Munchkin (that's what I'm going to call him here) and said, "Oh, Mom! I knew we missed having a baby around, but I didn't know how much!" He is busy and sweet and funny and interested and all of the things that toddlers are. We may be providing a service to his parents by providing childcare, but they are filling our hearts by sharing their darling boy with us. On Thursday he arrived in time to join us for our daily walk. Seriously, his joy in every little thing added to our joy in every little thing! Hike #32 of 52 Hikes: Morning walks 65.66 miles + 2.1 = 67.76 miles One day as The Munchkin did everything he could to keep us giggling when we were trying to get some school done, I looked at Little Princess and Nature Angel and said, "Can you even believe we used to do school with 2 kids this age!?!?!?" Truth, is we can't really remember it. Thank ...