A Week, Briefly (10/21/19)
We celebrated Halloween this week because our church trunk or treat was on Thursday night. As far as my under 10s are concerned, that was Halloween. :) My older kids are already finding more Halloween fun, and, as it's wholesome fun they're finding, I'm okay with that. But I'm done. My rule for costumes this year was this: If you have your own money, you're welcome to spend it; the rest of you are dependent on what we have in the house. I think the rule worked. Thursday night was cold . Everyone has jammies and extra clothes on under their costumes. Many of the kids have extra hats, bibbies, and/or winter boots. Here's the crew: Nature Angel as scarecrow (she accidentally covered her straw-filled pockets) Little Princess as Heidi--she helped Grandma make her cute top Brother as a knight--he accidentally covered his helmet with his hat Beowulf as Woody Lola as "a worker birdie"--bird costume, hard hat, boots. S...