A Week, Briefly (9/24/18)

This was officially week 4 of our 2018-19 homeschool year, and we are still struggling. Quite simply, I can't do so much out of the house stuff. Some of the kids can't do so much out of the house stuff. Some of the kids really need the out of the house stuff. You'd think the give and take would help us develop an atmosphere of blessing one another and thriving, but I feel like I'm dying, and a goodly portion of the kids are falling to pieces, and while I'm truly trying to believe that we'll find our rhythm . . . I just want to give up. But I haven't. And good things are happening. Mister Man as Osiris. We got Pixie an ACT prep book and got her signed up to re-take it officially in October. I think she'll need to take it again in December to get her score to a comfortable level, but she's taken the first practice exam, and now we have a record of what she got right and what she needs to work on. We're focusing on math . . . b...