A Week, Briefly (9/25/17)
I'm starting to thinking that "briefly" isn't such a good description of my weekly posts. We'll see if I can shorten them up in the weeks to come . . . or not! Monday We had our best Monday morning yet. I am so happy that our Mondays are smoothing out!! The teens each had individual meetings with me during which we reviewed their schoolwork from last week, had writing conferences (about their Shane essays), and set some goals for the week ahead. The Elementary 8 and I had an impromptu art lesson based on our reading of How's Inky? and the deer we saw on our hike last week. We used an illustration from the book as inspiration for a how-to-draw-a-deer lesson. I cannot believe how well it went! Ladybug and Brother have a very hard time making their hands do what their eyes see--and I mean very, very hard. Both of them can look at a ball and end up with a triangle on their paper. And Beowulf actually can't hold a pencil without help, so when...