A Week, Briefly (Eclipse week)
We had a good week--with lots of informal learning. It is a good season for us. Monday We started with watching coverage as early as possible. I put off buying eclipse glasses until it was too late (and too expensive). We had resigned ourselves to watching the live stream from NASA, but then our computer didn't support the broadcast. We were disappointed, but then Rose Red, our mad scientist, gathered half a dozen pairs of sunglasses and a balloon, and looked at the sun. A perfect view! We all took turns using our homemade viewer, and we all oohed and aahed. It was really cool! And then, during totality, a cloud arrived. But we all enjoyed the rainbow effect through the cloud. The best moment of the eclipse came after it was over, for me. Before the eclipse, I used Beowulf as the moon, Mister Man as the sun, and Little Princess as the earth (because they were wearing appropriately colored shirts) to model how the mo...