Review: Math Mammoth Blue Series
My Rose Red (16 years old) struggles terribly with math. She has to work, work, and work some more to even understand basic concepts, and then she has to work some more to know how and when to apply them. After any break from working on a skill, she has to start over to relearn it. We were both very grateful when we received the opportunity to review the Blue Series by Math Mammoth . The Blue Series is a selection of focused worktexts allowing a student lots of practice in one specific mathematical area. I counted nearly 4 dozen to choose from, ranging from beginning addition to linear equations. Rose Red and I counseled together over which subject areas she was in the most need of practice and review right now, and we chose Percent , Metric Measuring , and Geometry 1 . We received a pdf download of each worktext. While I usually prefer hard copies of math books, this pdf version is enhanced with a lot of great extras. A partial list...