A Week, Briefly (In Which We Eat Too Much Pie)

We sat down together on Sunday night for Family Home Evening and wrote thank you letters--one each--to any person we felt inclined to thank. On Monday Sir Walter Scott bought stamps and mailed them off. Hopefully those dozen envelopes brightened the Thanksgiving celebration for a dozen people. And if they didn't, at least our hearts were brightened as we counted our blessings and expressed our personal gratitude for part of them. No formal school for any of us this week. Baymax continued to explode in his language development. Emerging talkers are some of my favorite people in the world. My current favorite word on his list is "motorcycle" because it sounds exactly like "water bottle." Lola 's language explosion started this week. In each of her developmental milestones (other than gross motor) she waits just until I start to worry that she's not going to get there, and then she does. All of a sudden instead of pointing and crying, she...