A Week Briefly (In Which We Play with Helium Balloons)
On our way to church Nature Angel said, "My friends all went back to school, and the all say they hate school." (These are 8- and 9-year-olds.) I said, "Oh! How sad! I'm glad that you love school!" "I do?" Nature Angel asked. "Well, you spent all weekend working on your book, and when I told you to put it away to do something else you were disappointed," I answered. "That was school." "It was?" "Yes. School is writing, reading, drawing, thinking, building, learning--all kinds of stuff that you do every day without even being told to do it." "Oh . . . I love writing and drawing and reading . . . and I can't wait to go home and write some more . . . yeah, I do love school," she said musingly. I let the conversation rest there, but when we got home that Sunday afternoon, Nature Angel spent all of her free time drawing illustrations for her story. I'm going to help her make it i...