A Week, Briefly (Not a week off, exactly, but not a school week either)

Monday The cousins arrived at 5:00 am. Their daddy's surgery was scheduled for 7:30 am, and we live only 20 minutes from the surgery center. It was a good day as the surgery went well; the cousins all had fun playing; cousin K14 attended early morning seminary with Rose Red and then came back to our house to be more helpful than any 14 year old boy as a right to be! Even baby M1 was sweet, sweet, sweet all day long. We rearranged the dining room to hold 20 of us for meals, we included the cousins in our usual morning meeting, and we made it to the library--just me and 3 of the older girls. We also learned about an amazing summer camp for teen girls that Rose Red had just enough time to apply for if we worked our tails off and found "teachers" to write recommendations for her. We did it! Even if she doesn't get in, it was a wonderful experience for her in filling out applications and essay writing. My sister came back to our house after d...