A Week, Briefly (Thanksgiving)
It has been a week of tremendous heartache and tremendous joy. Brother loves going to therapy. Ladybug had a joyful reunion with her school teachers when she went in for her weekly therapy appointment. She'd been asking to go back to school, so I was uncertain and vulnerable when they asked her if she wanted to come back. She answered, "No. I want to stay home with Mommy." I breathed a sigh of relief and blinked back tears of exhaustion and gratitude. Her behaviors as she struggles to adjust have been quite difficult. Daily use of our quiet buckets has helped her settle into life at home. The oldest girls collected goods for servicemen/women and for Syrian refugees with the church youth group. Belle had her first riding lesson--a combined Christmas/birthday gift. She came home glowing. We had our dog put down. She was nearly 14 years old and suffering greatly from old age. When she couldn't get up to get a drink of water or ...