Questions About the Year Ahead
(I kind of feel like Mister Man here on Christmas morning--time to pause in my building to assess what to do and what needs to be cleaned up.) I want to run. Not away. I want to run for exercise, for joy, for satisfaction, for setting a good example, for strength, for energy, for reaching a goal. If I sign up for a local half marathon before tomorrow night, I get the early-bird discount. The race isn't until October. I asked Sir Walter Scott if he wanted to join me--to make it something we can do together. He hemmed and hawed a bit. He wants to run, but he has the same question I do. My older girls want to run, too. How can we do it? That's one of my questions for the year ahead. My other questions are: How do I re-structure our days so that I don't always feel like a pressure-cooker about to explode? How do Sir Walter Scott and I get to the temple more often? How do I make time for individual children? What will we read? What ...